Essential academic skill requirements covered for the HESI test for entry into Nursing School, all in 6 laminated pages. The HESI A2 is predictable and this aspect makes the test easier to study for since the same concepts are covered in every test using the same types of questions. However, many people have underestimated this test their first time around and had to take it again, do not be one of them. These 6 laminated pages are a guide to success. Nurses are some of the biggest fans of QuickStudy guides, so start your collection and get started on a new career.
6-page laminated guide includes:
- Mathematics
- Reading Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Physics
- 9781423240723
- 9781423240723
- Medical study & revision guides
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Barcharts, Inc
This item is delivered digitally
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