Not your typical study guide, this single resource contains all of the core information an undergraduate nursing student needs to know from the first day of nursing school through the NCLEX-RN. Written in a succinct, well-organized, easy-to-read format, the guide closely follows the standard nursing curriculum and is designed as a reference for every core nursing course. To maximize successful exam preparation, the text highlights in each chapter important material most likely to appear on the NCLEX-RN. Chapters are organized in a clear, consistent format with information presented in friendly conversational style. For every disease presented there is a definition, triggers, symptoms, and nursing care.
Nursing students will no longer be burdened with the substantial cost of purchasing individual study guides for each topic, since all of the information needed to master core nursing curriculum is contained in this compact and pithy resource.
Key Features:
- Provides a complete, compact study resource for daily use in clinical and class settings
- Designed to accompany students through all nursing school curricula and NCLEX-RN preparation
- Condenses 15 separate study guides into one succinct volume
- Includes separate chapters for all five core courses (Medical/Surgical, Fundamentals, Maternal/Child, Pediatrics, Psychiatric/Mental)
- Identifies important material likely to appear on course tests and the NCLEX-RN with the TQ (test question) designation appearing next to appropriate content.
- Organized logically according to standard nursing curriculum
- Includes a definition, triggers, symptoms, and nursing care for every disease presented
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