From the editors of One Buck Horror Volume One comes the next installment in this acclaimed horror anthology series. This new volume features five pulse-pounding tales, sure to please hardcore and casual horror fans alike.
In "What Swims These Waters" by Daniel Ausema, two people are adrift in a small boat in a storm, and something in the water is biting.
A new way to get high sparks a search for a missing sister, and leads to terrors hidden in the heart of the inner city, in "Holes" by Sean Logan.
In "Beastie" by David Bischoff, a black cat drags home a town's buried secrets, one wriggling, misshapen piece at a time.
Adam Howe takes us to an asylum in England where the patients live in fear, and secrets are kept, no matter what the cost, in "3 Monkeys".
Michael Penkas shows us that the home of a killer might just be the best place for the ghost of a murdered woman to haunt, in "The Afterlife of Ellen Easterling".
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