Opa Waxes Lyrical
This is an anthology. There is no "chassis" under these poems. The only connection between them is in Part 4 where eight of the ten poems celebrate the Millennium Development Goals. The common denominator is authorship. They were written over a period of 50 years, the first one being written in 1969. So they vary widely in content and style. They are stand-alone, and not presented in chronological order.
The four clusters are a bit arbitrary:
· Love
· Faith
· Life
· Purpose
Occasionally, there is a "tent peg" to maximize the reader's appreciation of a poem. But for the most part, each one "floats" on its own.
Some poems were penned in South Africa, others in Asia and America. Some are short, some are long. Some will make you laugh, others will make you cry. Some will inspire you, others may depress you. All these highs and lows are encompassed in one life.
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