For the sheer reason that we have a congenital imprint in our minds that propels us to want to have dominion, we are killing our fellow humans left, right and center; the wild animals, cutting down trees, messing the environment more for greed than defense. This displays how we have a memory shortage as we have nowhere else to flee to once we have depleted everything, and perchance the earth herself will annihilate us and start all over! Ere here, we are assigned to attend to more and more funerals just to remind ourselves that we are serving life sentences. No one exits this Jail without death of the physical body no matter how long he/she lives.
- 9781310572692
- 9781310572692
- Category:
- Assertiveness
- Publication Date:
- 29-06-2016
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Will Anthony, Jr
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