Don't tell anyone, but there have been strange goings-on in this neck of the wood of late. Furtive messages have been buzzing between the publishing behemoth that is PS Towers and my base of operations here at NewCon Central. To what purpose? you may ask (and let's face it, I'm going to tell you even if you don't ask).
Well, very soon, PS Publishing will be releasing the first ever (and who knows, perhaps the only ever) anthology in print of stories that have featured in the digital pages of ParSec. Twenty-five stories drawn from the first seven issues of the magazine will appear within the covers of ParSec in Print (how on Earth did we come up with the title?). Choosing those stories has been a challenge in itself. I could easily have selected twice that number and the composition of the book has chopped and changed until I applied the fixing agent (ie until I delivered the MS to the publisher).
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