There is a chill in the air. Something is coming.
Change is coming.
It's a time to celebrate. It's a time to hide.
It's a time to get ready for the things we don't expect.
It's time to open up the Autumn Breezeway.
Edited by Sam Knight. Associate Editor Bailey Finn
Stories by:
Steve Ruskin, Jude Deluca, James Rogers, CJ Mattison, Arlo Sharp, P. Francis Smythe, AE Stueve, Sheila Hartney, Eve Morton, Grayson Wilson, Jessica McLain, Tanya Hales and Jeffrey A Krueger, Kellee Kranendonk, Paul Lonardo, H.Y. Gregor, John T. Biggs, Donna J. W. Munro, Joshua Ramey-Renk, Jodi Rizzotto, Sherry Fowler Chancellor, Peggy Gerber, Jared Nelson, Craig Crawford, Nicholas Rud, Kay Hanifen, L.N. Hunter
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