Peanut Butter Memoirs

Peanut Butter Memoirs

by David Wilson
Publication Date: 29/01/2022

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Peanut Butter Memoirs: A (Sometimes) Satirical Story A (Sometimes) Cynical Story But (Always) a Human Story of the Journey to Becoming a Law Enforcement Officer in (Very) Rural Maine

By: David Wilson

So, the question remains, are police officers real people? Are they all born to be cops? Do they skip childhood and go straight into a blue uniform? Do they have families and friends? Do they make mistakes and some bad decisions along the way just like everyone else does? Do they choose plain glazed when the obvious choice is jelly cream-filled? The truth, my friends, is they’re real people just like you.

Peanut Butter Memoirs is a true story about one person’s journey into becoming a law enforcement officer in northern Maine. It’s funny, sad, serious and real. Along the journey, author David Wilson experiences life and the unique people around him. He discovers that we’re not all born to be cops, and, in fact, for Wilson, it wasn’t his first career choice at all.

The tales Wilson tells will show that whether the call for service was routinely mundane or life threatening, there’s a story in there somewhere with unique human characters answering the calls for service.

The book is a true account, at times humorous and at times candidly serious, of one person’s personal journey. What you’ll discover by reading this book is that we’re all different, we’re all the same, we’re all human, and that police officers, rural or urban, are real people.

About the Author

David Wilson is a veteran law enforcement officer, having served in various roles to include routine street patrol for both local municipal and county law enforcement agencies to serving as a special agent for the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency, all the while serving in his home state of Maine.

While never downplaying the seriousness of calls he’s responded to, Wilson uses humor and storytelling to cope with the things he’s seen and dealt with on the unique road of choosing to become a law enforcement officer.

Biography: general
Publication Date:
Dorrance Publishing
David Wilson

David Wilson is Emeritus Professor of Criminology and the founding Director of the Centre for Applied Criminology at Birmingham City University. Prior to taking up an academic appointment in 1997, David was a Prison Governor and at twenty-nine became the youngest governing governor in England.

Professor Wilson appears in the print and broadcast media as a commentator and presenter. He publishing includes Hunting Evil, A History of British Serial Killing and his autobiography, My Life with Murderers which was shortlisted for the Saltire Prize for Non-Fiction.

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