The Right Phrase for Every Situation . . . Every Time
You know that how you begin a business conversation or meeting sets the stage for success. But coming up with just the right words can be another matter. Perfect Phrases for Icebreakers has hundreds of ready-to-use phrases to get your interactions off on the right foot. From jump-starting meetings to motivating teams to turning any situation into a positive networking event, this streamlined guide provides you with the right words to:
- Highlight important topics in meetings or conversations
- Motivate people to share resources and support
- Add levity to personal or group interactions
- Inspire collaboration and creativity
- Pique curiosity about your message
- 9780071783835
- 9780071783835
- Management & management techniques
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- McGraw-Hill
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