Hundreds of interview-acing words and phrases to land you the job
In a job interview, every word counts. That's why you need to make sure you'll be prepared with exactly the right answers to any question an interviewer might throw at you. With Perfect Phrases for the Perfect Interview, you will be equipped to handle even the toughest questions. This ready reference supplies you with:
- The best answers to a wide range of interview questions, from icebreaker questions about experience to questions about specific skills to the dreaded "Why did you leave (or get fired from) your last job?"
- Exercises and resources that help you prepare for the big day
- Tips on words to avoid and on how you can convince a potential employer that you are perfect for the job
- 9780071466431
- 9780071466431
- Advice on careers & achieving success
- Format:
- Epub (Adobe), Epub (Kobo)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- McGraw-Hill Education
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