Marcus Le Carpentier was a phantom in the night, a man who let no one in and always kept a low profile. So when he accidentally witnessed a beautiful local woman stumble upon a dead body, the last thing Marcus planned on was getting involved. He'd done that before; and had been living with the dangerous consequences ever since. But since leaving a very frightened Caitlyn Villar; alone didn't sit well with Marcus, he promised to help and then return to the shadowy corners of New Orleans, alone. His discovery brought a killer out of hiding and Marcus was thrust back into the limelight, protecting Caitlyn, hunting down a madman and failing to find all the usual reasons why it would be best if he walked away
- 9781460844984
- 9781460844984
- Adult & contemporary romance
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Mills & Boon Intrigue
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