Philosophy of Chemistry

Philosophy of Chemistry

by John WoodsAndrea Woody Paul Thagard and others
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 02/11/2011

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Philosophy of Chemistry investigates the foundational concepts and methods of chemistry, the science of the nature of substances and their transformations. This groundbreaking collection, the most thorough treatment of the philosophy of chemistry ever published, brings together philosophers, scientists and historians to map out the central topics in the field. The 33 articles address the history of the philosophy of chemistry and the philosophical importance of some central figures in the history of chemistry; the nature of chemical substances; central chemical concepts and methods, including the chemical bond, the periodic table and reaction mechanisms; and chemistry’s relationship to other disciplines such as physics, molecular biology, pharmacy and chemical engineering. This volume serves as a detailed introduction for those new to the field as well as a rich source of new insights and potential research agendas for those already engaged with the philosophy of chemistry.

  • Provides a bridge between philosophy and current scientific findings

  • Encourages multi-disciplinary dialogue

  • Covers theory and applications

Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Elsevier Science

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