(Educational Piano Library). From "Arabesque" to "Nocturne" to "Rapsodie," the inspired pieces in this collection are a perfect choice for students who want to play beautiful, expressive and impressive literature at the recital. Composed for the late-intermediate to early-advanced level student, these pieces provide fresh and substantial repertoire for students not quite ready for larger works in the romantic literature. Arabesque * Journey's End * Nocturne * Nocturne d'Esprit * Prelude No. 1 * Rapsodie * Rondo Capriccioso * Valse d'Automne.
- 9781476838762
- 9781476838762
- Musical scores
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Hal Leonard
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