How does a Playboy, Casanova, Don Juan, Player, or Playa fall in love?
Young or old, blue collar or professional, broad-shouldered pretty boy or
smooth-spoken poet, those in The Brotherhood of Philanders have a common
creed: One woman is never enough! These men find monogamy confining
and impractical, a foolish forfeiture of the adrenaline rush and ego boost that
come from being the object of many women's desire. So the question still
remains; How does a Playa fall in love? What woman has enough charisma to
change a Playa to an honest one-woman man. This is the question that haunts
Eric Jones' mind, emotions, and heart. Through betrayal, lies, deceptions,
manipulation, and the need to always be in control...will he break the Player
Protocol and be with one woman and fall in love? or keep playing the game
that he has played all his life?

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