Playing Gay in the Golden Age of British TV

Playing Gay in the Golden Age of British TV

by Stephen Bourne
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 22/11/2019

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The television set – the humble box in the corner of almost every British household – has brought about some of the biggest social changes in modern times. It gives us a window into the lives of people who are different from us: different classes, different races, different sexualities. And through this window, we've learnt that, perhaps, we're not so different after all. Playing Gay in the Golden Age of British TV looks at gay male representation on and off the small screen – from the programmes that hinted at homoeroticism to Mary Whitehouse's Clean Up TV campaign, and The Naked Civil Servant to the birth of Channel 4 as an exciting 'alternative' television channel. Here, acclaimed social historian Stephen Bourne tells the story of the innovation, experimentation, back-tracking and bravery that led British television to help change society for the better.

Social & cultural history
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
The History Press
Stephen Bourne

Stephen Bourne is a leading expert on black British history. He has written for BBC History Magazine and is a regular contributor to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. He is the author of Mother Country: Britain's Black Community on the Home Front 1939-45 and The Motherland Calls: Britain's Black Servicemen and Women. He lives in London.

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