It began as a gentle breeze nothing more than a
friendly Happy Holiday instead of Merry Christmas
which, it was said, might offend a non-Christian.
Soon the soft breeze became a flurry of potential words
which could be offensive Racist, sexist, homophobic.
Our vocabulary, we noticed, was being sharply censored
by well meaning media folks, who saw themselves as
political correction watchdogs.
In our busy, everyday lives, we went along with Happy
Holidays, but thought little of the approaching cultural
storm, now known simply as PC. All around us, is evidence of this challenge to the very core of Americanism. PC is invading our religion, our speech, our
flag, our history and, yes, our way of life. All are under attack.
Athletes refusing to stand for our national anthem, prayers not allowed in public schools, Black lives matter
(strangely, it does not mean Black lives ALSO matter)
The storm seems to be growing day by day.
What are we to do about it?
PC can be defeated. We can save our traditional values.
Read on my friend.
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