The 7 Wonders, and the Lucky 7 Combination!!
It’s most important because it can be “measured” and real data can be analyzed “statistically” that whatever happens in India will greatly influence the world; and for “Better New Word”, India needs to be empowered to propel Global Peace-Prosperity. Because it’s all about the 7 Wonders and the Lucky 7 Combination: (i) multi-lingual, (ii) multi-religious, (iii) diverse and (iv) federal democratic India with over (v) 1.4 billion people who are (vi) primarily young and (vii) constitute over 1/6th of global population.
But what can we do easily and quickly for Indian and Global Peace-Prosperity?
The book, "Populous India's Winning Strategies in the Digital Connected World" contains Key Concepts:
(1) Often, Perception leads to future reality. Should we redefine "Perceptions, Geographical Categories, and Rename" to accelerate development and global peace-prosperity?
(2) Should we reverse the Economic Dependency Theory because natural resources are becoming limited? Will the resource rich countries soon take control and set the "New Basic T&C" for global trade & investment negotiations in the New World?
(3) Per Capita Prosperity:
Let “Per Capita Prosperity” be the basis for any win-win International Trade Agreement, including FTA, CEPA & CECA.Collectively with over 1.4 Billion Indian People (which is about 1/6th of the global population) India is now the 5th Largest Global Economy after 75 years of Indian Independence.
Now is the time to focus on the Per Capita Prosperity.
(4) In today's Digital Global World, freedom is global and economic interests are international, no more bound by a country's boundary.
(5) Redefine: Are South Asia & South East Asia “imaginary” geographically divided categories? Will the "BIMSTEC Economic Region" be the future regional development?
(6) Sanskrit, Pali, Hindi, Bengali, UN Languages, and BIMSTEC Global University for Languages & Business: can language diplomacy integrate regional economy?
(7) Kohinoor & English Language: which is more precious? Intangible Asset, English Language: How many ways Indians can leverage English as an Indian intangible asset?
(8) Does the Commonwealth foster memories of colonization and induce "perceived" power imbalance?
(9) How can India help to create a better equitable platform: Rays of Hope Organization for accelerating peace-prosperity? Will that be better?
(10) Indian Federal Economic Diplomacy: Will India revisit golden history and restart sending Peace-Prosperity Envoys?
(11) Global Respect & Self-reliance are intricately intertwined. Only and only, globally well-respected India can help transform “Indian neighborhood and beyond” into a progressive developed region.
(12) Why does India need to set the New Rules to restrict the scope of re-export to minimize resource-flight?
(13) Global Indian Governance Institute: will India go global to protect the economic interests of India & 1.4 Billion Indians?
(14) Country’s Sovereignty & International Commercial Arbitration: how are they interrelated?
(15) UK, India & Global Business: How millions of Indian Lawyers, Tech, English Law and English can be utilized for the benefit of global businesses?
(16) Political Enterprise, Power, Philanthropy, Money, Monopoly, Truth Decay & Virtual State: what future democracies will look like?
India & The World
Whatever happens in India will greatly influence the world. Because, it’s all about the Seven Wonders and the Lucky 7 Combination:
(1) multi-lingual, (2) multi-religious, (3) diverse and (4) federal democratic India with over (5) 1.4 billion people who are (6) primarily young and (7) constitute over 1/6th of global population.
Populous India's Winning Strategies in the Digital Connected World
The important first step for innovations toward success (and progress of humanity) is to “identify, define & review” the issues objectively, and plan-act-lead for the better future.
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