Leading a split life has been one of the greatest problems down the ages and that is why the humanity seems sick today. We view worldly and non-worldly things as separate endues. Meditation and love, loneliness and relationship, sex and silence cannot be viewed separately. Whether it is a monk or family man, both suffer equal amount of pain. We need to develop an integrated personality. Only an integrated person can be authentic. When there is chasm between awareness and expression in our behaviour, we become un-authentic. Retain your individuality and recognize your uniqueness. Then you will be an integrated and happy person.
Born in 1931, G.D. Budhiraja is a graduate with an in service diploma in management-equivalent to an MBA. He retired as a Senior Management Analyst from the Ministry of Planning, Government of India, in 1989. Presently, he is a name to reckon with as a management consultant in the private sector.
Fully trained in yoga for over 30 years, Mr. Budhiraja has been doing research on topics related to health, happiness and self improvement. Many of the observations made in this book are based on his practical experiences. Mr. Budhiraja is also the author of the books The Natural Way of Healthy Aging, Art of Happy-living and Stay Younger for Longer.
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