Few things are capable of invoking the kind of anxiety and terror as the thought of making a public speech. The fight-or-flight response triggered by the idea is a defense mechanism no longer useful to us in this modern age. In this book, you'll learn easy and powerful techniques to override this all-too-common fear, and begin to view the idea of public speaking with excitement and confidence. The techniques discussed within the book were developed by author Michael McCarthy and used in real time. The beauty and power of the techniques lie in their simplicity. In under one hour, you'll gain the knowledge to exchange your fear for excitement and give an amazing speech with self-assurance and poise.
- 9781543936896
- 9781543936896
- Public speaking guides
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- BookBaby
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