Practice Management Consultant is an extensive collection of pediatric-specific practice management resources to assist pediatricians with managing a practice. Practice Management Consultant is a a compendium of articles which cover a wide variety of issues that impact the daily management of pediatric practices. In many ways, pediatric practices are in a state of economic crisis in a rapidly changing healthcare environment. From vaccine payment and supply issues to competition from large-scale retail-based clinics, pediatric practices both large and small are facing many business issues and constraints. This essential practice reference includes key practice management resources and guidance to help manage today's busy pediatric practice.
Contents Include:
- Getting Started/Practice Basics
- Office Operations
- Business Considerations and Contracts
- Employment/Personnel
- Finance and Payment
- Medical Liability and Risk Management
- Patient Management
- Quality Improvement
- Medical Home
- Physician Health/Wellness
- Career Transitions.
There are multiple appendices and forms included
- Supplies Needed to Start a Practice
- Sample Employee Handbook Outline
- Staff Evaluations: Guidelines and Instructions
- Sample Financial Policy
- Patient Survey
- Parent Refusal to Vaccinate Form
- Appeal to Payers for Payment Letter Template
- Outstanding Patient Account Balance
- And many more.
- 9781581106978
- 9781581106978
- Paediatric medicine
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- American Academy of Pediatrics
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