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The Bible says we’re predestined to glory, but it doesn’t say we’re predestined to faith, as Calvinism teaches. The differences between the language of the Bible and the language of Calvinism indicate the doctrinal errors of Calvinism.
All Reformed theologians teach predestination to faith, which includes faith in a sequence the Bible doesn’t include it in. The ‘Golden Chain’ of Romans 8:28-30 includes 1) foreknowledge, 2) predestination, 3) calling, 4) justification, and 5) glorification. Paul intentionally omits faith from this sequence because predestination is to glorification and sanctification, not to faith.
Paying attention to this detail alters Calvinism’s TULIP. T (Total Depravity) doesn’t include an inability to believe the gospel. Election is not U (Unconditional), since God elects all whom he has known forever in the eternal Messiah, who entered into union with him through justification by unpredestined faith. I (Irresistible Grace) is after justification, for sanctification and glorification. L (Limited Atonement) is unbiblical. And, P (Perseverance of the Saints) is confirmed in the strongest possible way, to the extent it’s synonymous with eternal security and the certainty of glorification.
Most other anti-Calvinist books deal heavily with the moral and philosophical travesties of Calvinism. For example, I highly recommend What Love Is This, by Dave Hunt. But this book tries to provide better expositions of the passages that lead good, godly men to accept Calvinism in the first place, like Romans 8, Romans 9, John 6, and Ephesians 1, by paying attention to the small, under-appreciated detail, that the Bible says predestination is to sanctification and glory, not to faith.
If I felt this task was already accomplished, I wouldn’t have written this book, but would have promoted the books that already did it. White (Calvinist), "There is no meaningful non-Reformed exegesis of [John 6:37-45] available. As numerous as the attempts of Arminian exegetes to find some way around the testimony of these verses has been, not even a plausible solution has been offered that does not require the complete dismantling of the text, redefinition of words, or the insertion of utterly foreign concepts." Flowers (Non-Calvinist), "Would anyone dare adopt or seek to defend this most troubling doctrine [of reprobation] if not for the perceived defense offered by the apostle in Romans 9?"
I rejoice in biblical, non-Calvinistic predestination, to glory, not to faith! Biblical predestination is about the certainty of God’s completion of our salvation through sanctification and glorification. Predestination shouldn’t be a word that conjures up images of Calvinistic horrors of reprobation in the minds of those who haven’t been indoctrinated to focus on the good fortunes of the elect. Instead, predestination should be a word that gives great joy, because it underlies the Biblical doctrine of the certainty of our future glorification! Rom. 5:3, “Having been justified by faith, we ... rejoice in [the sure and certain] hope of [sharing in] the glory of God!”
My hope is that this book won’t only be a defense against Calvinism and its harms, and rescue some born-again Calvinists from Calvinism; but also that this consideration of the topic of predestination will give all readers a better understanding of the justification, sanctification, and glorification that comprise our gracious salvation, and this knowledge will also make us more fruitful. Jn. 15:7-8, “If ... my words abide in you, ... herein is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit.”
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