The mobile cellular network has its origins in Telco voice networks, but 5G adopts the principles of modern clouds. This book describes how 5G leverages horizontally scalable microservices, Software-Defined Networking (SDN), and cloud operational practices such as DevOps. It provides a detailed introduction to mobile networking that is understandable to a general computing systems audience.
- Emphasizes underlying concepts, key principles and design choices, going beyond the acronym soup of standards.
- Describes the main open source components used to build a private 5G network and the rationale for their selection.
- Walks through the architecture of 5G from the radio to the mobile core.
- Includes sample code used in configuration and operations of a real private 5G network deployed across a dozen enterprises.
"Private 5G networks are something you can touch, code, and deploy yourself. Armed with the knowledge of how 5G access networks work, and with hands-on experience with open source software, just imagine the places you'll go!"
- Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University
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