

by Dante Alighieri and Robert Harrison
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 28/09/2021

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A new translation of Dante's Purgatorio that celebrates the human elements of the second part of The Divine Comedy. This is a bilingual edition with an illuminating introduction from the translator.

Winner of the American Literary Translators Association 2022 National Translation Award in Poetry.

Purgatorio, the middle section of Dante’s great poem about losing, and subsequently finding, one’s way in the middle of one’s life is, unsurprisingly, the beating heart of The Divine Comedy, as this powerful and lucid new translation by the poet D. M. Black makes wonderfully clear.

After days spent plumbing the depths of hell, the pilgrim staggers back to the clear light of day in a state of shock, the sense of pervasive dread and deep bewilderment with which he began his pilgrimage as intensified as it is alleviated by his terminal vision of evil. The slow and initially arduous climb up the mount of Purgatory that ensues, guided as always by Virgil, his poetic model and mentor, is simultaneously a reckoning with human limits and a rediscovery of human potential in the light of divine promise.

Dante’s Purgatorio, which has been an inspiration to poets as varied as Shelley and T. S. Eliot, is a book full of human stories and philosophical inquiry; it is also a tale of individual reintegration and healing.

Black, a distinguished psychoanalyst as well as a poet, provides an introduction and commentary to this masterpiece by Dante from a contemporary point of view in this bilingual edition.

Poetry anthologies (various poets)
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
New York Review Books
Dante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri was born in Florence Italy in 1265. In 1301, a political dispute lead to his exile from Florence.

Over the next few years he made his home in Verona, Lucca and other cities. By 1310 he had written Inferno and Purgatorio, the first two books of his Divine Comedy.

He wrote the third and concluding book, Paradiso, in the years after he found sanctuary in Ravenna in 1318.

An allegorical account of his wanderings in a spiritual wilderness and eventual salvation under the guidance of his beloved Beatrice, The Divine Comedy is recognised as Dante's masterwork and a landmark of world literature. He died in exile in 1321 and was buried in Ravenna.

Robert Harrison

Robert Harrison has been a ceramic artist and educator for nearly forty years. He has served as President of the Board of Directors for the Archie Bray Foundation as well as NCECA and is a lifetime member of the International Academy of Ceramics (IAC), Royal Canadian Academy of Arts (RCA) and a founding artist member of the World Association of Brick Artists (WABA). His work is held in collections and sculpture parks throughout the world, including Italy, China, Denmark, Australia, the UK and the USA. He lives and works in Montana.

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