Chloe Andrews has been dominating Indiana soccer fields since grade school. Now in her last year of college she has one main goal to be the best. When an injury benches her, Chloe struggles to see what good can come from it. She doesn't trust God anyway, but why would He dash her dreams like this? Trevor Montgomery has goals of his own. He'd love to work for his alma mater, but for now he enjoys being assistant athletic trainer for an Indiana university. Helping beautiful Chloe Andrews recover from an injury is the best part of his job - no matter how stubborn she is. A tragedy draws Trevor and Chloe closer together. But will a dream-come-true tear them apart? And will Chloe finally realize the best goal in life?
- 9781620299401
- 9781620299401
- Religious & spiritual fiction
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Barbour Publishing, Inc.
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