The book has been designed with the aim that after reading this book you should be able:
· To revise the syllabi effectively
· To update and revise the content quickly
· To prepare for GPAT and other pharmacy competitive exams
· To present a ready reference for Industrial Pharmacy
We hope that this book shall be very useful to students, researchers, industry personnel and teachers as ready source of basics of every covered topic.
1. Preformulation-I (Physical Form: Crystal & Amorphous)
2. Preformulation-I Polymorphism, Particle Size & Shape)
3. Preformulation-I Solubility Profile (Solubility, pH and pKa)
4. Preformulation-I Partition Coefficient & Flow Properties
5. Preformulation-II Hydrolysis, Oxidation, Reduction
6. Preformulation-II Racemization
7. Preformulation-II Dissolution, Permeability and BCS
8. Preformulation-II Polymerization
9. Tablets-I Introduction
10. Tablets-II Manufacturing Tablets
11. Tablets-III Tablet Coating
12. Tablets-IV QC of Tablets
13. Liquid Orals (Syrups and Elixirs)
14. Emulsion-I (Introduction Theories and Identification Tests)
15. Emulsion-II (Formulations of Emulsions)
16. Suspension Dosage Form
17. Parenterals-I (Introduction: Preformulation of Parenterals)
18. Parenterals-I (Formulation of Parenterals)
19. Parenterals-I (Types of Parenteral Preparations)
20. Parenterals-I (Plant lay out for Parenterals)
21. Parenterals-II (Pyrogens and Pyrogenicity)
22. Parenterals-II (Sterility Test and Sterilization)
23. Capsule-I
24. Capsule-II
25. Capsule-III
26. Capsule-IV
27. Pellets & Pelletization
28. Ophthalmic Preparations Introduction, Absorption through Eye, Formulation Considerations
29. Ophthalmic Preparations Dosage Form
30. Ophthalmic Preparations Dosage Form
31. Pharmaceutical Aerosols-I
32. Pharmaceutical Aerosols-II (Components of Aerosols)
33. Pharmaceutical Aerosols-III (Components and Systems of Aerosols)
34. Pharmaceutical Aerosols-IV (Inhalers and Evaluation of Aerosols)
35. Cosmetics-I
36. Cosmetics-II (Sunscreen Preparations and Dentifrices)
37. Cosmetics-III Shampoo, Hair Dye and Lipstick
38. Packaging Materials Science-I Materials
39. Packaging Materials Science-II Official Requirements & Stability Aspects
40. Packaging Materials Science-III QC Tests of Packaging Materials
About the Author:
Dr. Ajay Semalty, is Course Coordinator of India’s most popular SWAYAM MOOC- “Academic Writing” & “Industrial Pharmacy - I”; and working as a faculty member in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, H.N.B. Garhwal University (A Central University) Srinagar (Garhwal), Uttarakhand for the last 17.5 years with Academic, research, and industrial experience of more than 18 yrs. He is also University SWAYAM Coordinator and SPOC NPTEL Local chapter of Garhwal University.

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