Re-Imagining Government: Part 1

Re-Imagining Government: Part 1

by Christopher Wilson
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 14/06/2018

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Despite the many cultural and technological evolutions that have taken place in society over the last 150 years, our systems of institutional governance have failed to keep up. As a result, governments no longer have the full knowledge, resources or power they need to produce the results desired by their citizens. Everywhere we see a continual decline of public confidence in the ability of governments to be effective, ethical or even believable.

This lack of confidence has generated both the current populist backlash and

the creation of technological alternatives to government as providers of social

coordination. Without significant reimagination, future governments are likely to be even less useful or friendly than they are today.

This book takes the first step in re-imagining government: it explores the

nature of the current and emerging challenges facing governments, in order to discover what it is our governments should be doing to keep pace with change and to build the needed capacities to remain effective and legitimate sources of social coordination.

Economics & Business
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Tellwell Talent
Christopher Wilson

Christopher Wilson is the author of novels including Gallimauf's Gospel, Baa, Blueglass, Mischief, Fou, The Wurd, The Ballad of Lee Cotton and Nookie. His work has been translated into several languages, adapted for the stage, longlisted for the Booker Prize, and twice shortlisted for the Whitbread Fiction Prize.

Wilson completed a published PhD on the psychology of humour at LSE, worked as a research psychologist at UCL, The London Hospital and The Arts Council, and lectured for ten years at Goldsmiths' College, London University. He has taught creative writing in prisons, at university and for The Arvon Foundation.

Wilson has also established a couple of new imprints - Lollapalooza and MojoBooks - as e-publishers of fiction, poetry and books on cultural studies and body-politics. He lives in North London.

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