Ready to Teach Bible Messages 5

Ready to Teach Bible Messages 5

by Pilgrim Preacher
Publication Date: 22/01/2024

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Emotional Spinout Study Bio: A ten-lesson series on human emotions, their positive and negative angles, and how to overcome attitude challenges.

Emotions are an integral part of our human experience. They color our interactions, influence our decisions, and impact our overall well-being. The Emotional Spin-out Study aims to unravel the complexities of emotions, shedding light on both their positive and negative dimensions. As we journey through this course, we'll discover how to harness emotions effectively and cultivate a healthy emotional life. This course covers emotions from fear to frustration; from impulsiveness to irritability; from depression to discouragement, and more.

A highly recommended course that shall prove to be beneficial to you and your congregation.

Two Amazing Courses!

Work Ethics Study Bio: Here is a four-part course on a subject you rarely hear about in churches today. These lessons cover the bible passages on the subject, focusing on the practical applications of how to be a Christian in a modern work environment. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, work occupies a significant portion of our waking hours. As Christians, our faith should permeate every aspect of our existence, including our work environment. The Work Ethics Study aims to equip believers with practical wisdom, biblical principles, and ethical guidelines for thriving as Christians in the workplace.

"I presented your lessons at a recent bible camp, and they went over spectacularly. The ordered outlines are a big help both for me and my audience. A few people responded to the message. I will recommend your courses to other ministers." M. Anul

Ordained with over thirty-five years of theological experience and with e-books distributed in online bookstores, the Pilgrim Preacher is your one-stop shop for sermons, bible lessons, and devotions.

Get this book to be the best that you can be!

Biblical studies & exegesis
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​Pilgrim Preacher

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