This anthology of thirteen horror stories from the Genre Writers of Atlantic Canada will frighten you for hours, terrorize your dreams, and make you wonder what might be waiting for you in that darkened room.
Table of Contents
- "Family Trait" by A. F. Stewart
- "The Inevitable" by Ali House
- "Insurance" by Chantal Boudreau
- "Anchored" by Jeff Slade
- "The Chosen" by Jon Dobbin
- "Airborne" by Kerry Campbell
- "The Waystation" by Michelle Bryan
- "Bakunawa" by Nicholas Morine
- "Zombies on the Rock: The Island of the Damned" by Paul Carberry
- "A Friend in Shadow" by Peter J. Foote
- "First Flight" by Peter Gillet
- "The Girl in the Stones" by Sherry D. Ramsey
- "All Wood Dreams of the Sun" by Steve Vernon
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