Reconstruction after the Civil War

Reconstruction after the Civil War

by John Hope Franklin
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 04/03/2020

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The classic work of American history by the renowned author of From Slavery to Freedom, with a new introduction by historian Eric Foner.

First published in 1961, John Hope Franklin’s revelatory study of the Reconstruction Era is a landmark work of history, exploring the role of former slaves and dispelling longstanding popular myths about corruption and Radical rule. Looking past dubious scholarship that had previously dominated the narrative, Franklin combines astute insight and careful research to provide an accurate, comprehensive portrait of the era.

Franklin’s arguments concerning the brevity of the North’s occupation, the limited power wielded by former slaves, the influence of moderate southerners, the flawed constitutions of the radical state governments, and the downfall of Reconstruction remain compelling today. This new edition of Reconstruction after the Civil War also includes a foreword by Eric Foner and a perceptive essay by Michael W. Fitzgerald.

American Civil War
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
The University of Chicago Press

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