- Addiction is an unnatural and irrational preoccupation with material possessions.
- One who suffers from addiction is referred to as an addict. Substance dependency is multifaceted, much like a hydra.
- All humans are addicted to something, according to surveys and research in the medical field.
- Those who have an unnatural or excessive need for something are clinically addicted to it.
- Medical research has uncovered several types of addiction than nicotine, alcohol, and narcotics.
- The medical profession distinguishes between two primary types of addiction.
- The first kind of addiction is the physical one, which may include both bodily dependency and psychological addiction.
- The second category, pseudo-addiction, is a sham.
- Withing this ebook, you will learn more about healing the addiction? A beginners guide to breaking free and healing from addiction...
- 9798215109311
- 9798215109311
- Coping with drug & alcohol abuse
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- ​Colleen A. Jenkins
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