Red Knight

Red Knight

by Michael Ashcroft
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 19/08/2021

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Book of the Day – The Guardian

"Well-researched … well-written … even-handed … balanced." – Baroness Hoey, The Critic

"Red Knight is well written and researched and, I think, pretty fair." – Daniel Finkelstein, The Times

"Ashcroft has done his research and he does tell us important things about Starmer." – The Independent

"Well-researched, fair and objective … Lord Ashcroft's book is a great aid to answering questions [about Starmer] and posing a few more." – TCW

"Comprehensive." – The Tablet

"Surprisingly sympathetic." – MoneyWeek


Sir Keir Starmer has played many parts during his life and career. He went from schoolboy socialist to radical lawyer before surprising many by joining the establishment, becoming Director of Public Prosecutions, accepting a knighthood and then, in 2015, standing successfully for Parliament. At Westminster, he was swiftly elevated to the shadow Cabinet, and in April 2020 he became the leader of the Labour Party.

Michael Ashcroft's new book goes in search of the man who wants to be Prime Minister and reveals previously unknown details about him which help to explain what makes him tick.

Starmer was the architect of Labour's second-referendum Brexit policy, which was considered a major factor in its worst electoral defeat for nearly a century. Is he the man to bring back Labour's lost voters? Is he the voice of competence and moderation who can put his party back on the political map? Or is he just a member of the metropolitan elite who is prepared to say and do whatever it takes to win favour?

This meticulous examination of his life offers voters the chance to answer these vital questions.

Political leaders & leadership
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Biteback Publishing
Michael Ashcroft

Lord Ashcroft KCMG PC is an international businessman, philanthropist, author and pollster. He is a former treasurer and deputy chairman of the Conservative Party. He is also honorary chairman and a former treasurer of the International Democratic Union. He is founder and chairman of the board of trustees of Crimestoppers, chairman of the trustees of Ashcroft Technology Academy, chancellor of Anglia Ruskin University, vice-patron of the Intelligence Corps Museum, a senior fellow of the International Strategic Studies Association and a former trustee of Imperial War Museums.

His most recent political works include Call Me Dave: The Unauthorised Biography of David Cameron; Well, You Did Ask... Why the UK Voted to Leave the EU; Hopes and Fears: Trump, Clinton, the Voters and the Future; The Lost Majority: The 2017 Election, the Conservative Party, the Voters and the Future; White Flag? An Examination of the UK's Defence Capability; and Half-Time! American Public Opinion Midway Through Trump's (First?) Term - and the Race to 2020. His most recent book is the acclaimed Jacob's Ladder: The Unauthorised Biography of Jacob Rees-Mogg.

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