The last ten years has seen significant regulatory changes and the issuing of professional advice to match developments in clinical practice. It has not been easy for clinicians to keep pace with the changes or to find information on how and when changes have occurred and this text provides an essential source to guide optometrists through the current regulatory and professional expectations.
Although specifically designed for the optometrist the text will also be useful to anyone involved in the provision, regulation and monitoring of optometry services in the UK.
Detailed chapters on the Opticians Act, General Optical Council and the National Health Service General Ophthalmic Service Regulations provide a foundation on the regulation for optometry practice. These chapters trace the development of the regulatory framework and the different roles played by various organisations and government. Additional chapters cover more detailed issues including requirements for Continuing Professional Development, Delegation and Supervision, Contact lenses, Referrals, Case Records and data protection, Fitness to Practice and Drugs and optometry. These all impact on day-to-day aspects of optometric practice and it is important for optometrists to understand how the requirements in these areas may affect an individual's ability to practise. The text also provides a useful reference source and a list of regulations relating to optometry practice in the UK.
- Disclaimer
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- The National Health Service
- The NHS General Ophthalmic Services Contract England
- The GOS Memorandum of Understanding for Optometry
- Interpreting GOS Queries
- The NHS and Complaints
- The Opticians Act
- The General Optical Council
- The Optical Services Audit Committee and the Foresight Reports
- Continuing Education and Training/Continuing Professional Development
- Delegation and Supervision
- Rules and Guidance Relating to Contact Lenses
- Referral, Record Keeping and Data Protection
- Fitness to Practise
- Regulation Relating to the Use of Drugs
- Ethics and Guidance within the Profession
- The Negligent Professional
- The Need for Insurance
- Appendix: Optical Bodies and Associations
- Index
Readership: This text provides an accessible overview for undergraduates, newly qualified and established optometrists seeking information on the statutory and professional framework surrounding everyday optometric practice in the UK. Should be essential reading for everyone involved in optometry services (NHS optometry service providers, practice managers, optometry regulators, legal professionals involved in professional regulation) and a standard text available in every practice.
Key Features:
- There are no alternative texts available to optometrists with the last published text directed at legal aspects of optometry appearing 20 years ago and now out of date
- The content of this text is up to date and comprehensive covering a wide area of regulatory issues and guidance impacting on optometry practice
- It is written by Steve Taylor who has been involved in optometry education and the development of the profession in the UK for over 40 years
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