Searching for a safe haven in the Kentucky hills, city girl Bekah Holloway encounters the unexpected–a handsome country boy who offers her help. Drew Kinley gives her a job working with wounded animals, but on the run from an abusive boyfriend, Bekah needs more than employment. She needs a hero. Instinct tells Drew he's the perfect man for the skittish beauty. But he's spent a lifetime saving his family farm and now it's his turn to see the world outside of Oaks Crossing. As Bekah finds her forever home, will Drew leave…or stay and embrace a future together?
- 9781489216441
- 9781489216441
- Romance
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Mills & Boon Love Inspired
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