This excellent report has been professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction. Few will debate the merits of leadership in a successful special operator. It is arguably the most significant, determining factor in an individual's ability to succeed within environments constantly in flux, adversary intentions in tandem. In his guidance on joint education, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, said: "developing] agile and adaptive leaders with the requisite values, strategic vision and critical thinking skills necessary to keep pace with the changing strategic environment."
It therefore comes as little to no surprise that a significant portion of special operations training and education emphasizes leadership curricula as a foundational knowledge goal. An individual who can lead by example, in turn, becomes a better special operator, likewise instills similar traits among those serving alongside and/or reporting to him/her. United States Special Operations Command's (USSOCOM) own education directive declared "education and training the cornerstones of readiness."
This occasional paper details the importance of process, persuasion, pre-existing, and personality nuances on special operations leadership training and execution, likewise additional traits/characteristics necessary for success within them.
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