Lyrics are magical - they can instantly impact our emotions, entice our bodies to move, and... inspire other artists! Feel your way through this highly imaginative anthology of stories and songs, all inspired by lyrics, rhymes and chants from such diverse sources as U2, Dire Straits, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Hollies, The Eagles, Shakespeare, Les Misérables, Florence and the Machine, Moby and Muse.
Stories range from the humorous to life story, historical fiction, fantasy, sci fi, crime and mystery. There's something for everyone - even a musical script!
Creative minds connecting to invent and conjure, cast and delight!
"Ah, music," he said, wiping his eyes. "A magic beyond all we do here!" - J.K. ROWLING, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
"Who hears music, feels his solitude peopled at once." - ROBERT BROWNING, The Complete Poetical Works of Browning.
Do You Hear the People Sing? - Sonia Zadro
Case 65726: The Lighthopper - Azmeena Kelly
The Search - Tara Ray
Song For A Moment In Time - Susan Steggall
The Air You Get - Zena Shapter
Hotel Coolangatta - Kate Mitchell
Honey Coming Back - Peter Fagan
True Believers - Phil Burgin
King, King Calowe - Millicent Davis
The Need For Witchcraft - Guy Hallowes
Treachery - Elise Robertson
I Don't Believe in Yesterday - Howard Reid
Brothers in Arms - Rose Saltman
2001, A Space Operetta - Mijmark
Message in a Bottle - Rodney Jensen
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