Rise to Globalism

Rise to Globalism

by Stephen E. Ambrose and Douglas G. Brinkley
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 22/12/2010

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Since it first appeared in 1971, Rise to Globalism has sold hundreds of thousands of copies. The ninth edition of this classic survey, now updated through the administration of George W. Bush, offers a concise and informative overview of the evolution of American foreign policy from 1938 to the present, focusing on such pivotal events as World War II, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, and 9/11. Examining everything from the Iran-Contra scandal to the rise of international terrorism, the authors analyze-in light of the enormous global power of the United States-how American economic aggressiveness, racism, and fear of Communism have shaped the nation's evolving foreign policy.

20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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Penguin Publishing Group
Stephen E. Ambrose

Stephen E. Ambrose, leading World War II historian, was the author of numerous books on history including the Number 1 bestselling BAND OF BROTHERS, D-DAY (on which SAVING PRIVATE RYAN was based) PEGASUS BRIDGE and WILD BLUE.

He is founder of the Eisenhower Center and the National D-Day Museum in New Orleans. He died in 2002.

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