"Romance" (1903) is a novel written by Joseph Conrad, with the collaboration of Ford Madox Ford. The peculiarity of this work is given by the author's choice to narrate the events in the first person, by one of the main characters.This choice is a winner, because it gives immediacy and smoothness to the story.The entire opera is an immense adventure: it tells the story of an English bourgeois boy who embarks first on a ship bound for Jamaica, and then on another direct to Cuba. During the journey, understood by Conrad as a metaphor of life , the protagonist links all kinds of relationships with the inhabitants of the place, loves with passion, fights with honor, satisfies his innumerable curiosities, widens his knowledge. At some point, the English boy will find himself at the head of a group of black slaves. In this respect, in fact, the work in question is read by some as an attempt by Conrad to make a social critique of the phenomenon of colonialism.
- 9788832511840
- 9788832511840
- Category:
- Adventure
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- 08-02-2019
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Enrico Conti
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