Rufus the Writer

Rufus the Writer

by Elizabeth Bram and Chuck Groenink
Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout)
Publication Date: 14/07/2015

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Want to encourage a child to write creatively? Introduce him to Rufus! The joy of writing (and reading) fills every page of this charming picture book.

Why have a lemonade stand when you can have a story stand? That’s what Rufus, a boy with a big imagination, decides. And once he’s in business, he starts creating little gems for his friends and family. Millie and Walter trade a shell for his story called “Why Orange Is the Best Color.” Rufus writes little sister Annie a story for her birthday about a girl who shrinks to the size of a teacup. Sara trades flowers for a story about a family of buttons. And then they all sit down and read the wonderful stories together.

General fiction (Children's / Teenage)
Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout)
Publication Date:
Random House Children's Books
Chuck Groenink

Chuck Groenink hails from an overgrown village among the peat bogs in the north of the Netherlands, where he spent his formative years climbing trees, drawing, reading, and cycling. He attended the Artez Institute of Visual Arts in Kampen, graduating from the department of illustration in 2004. He lives in Hudson, New York with his wife and two cats.

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