Sacred Bones, Magic Bones

Sacred Bones, Magic Bones

by Ness Bosch, author of Moon Books - Magic Bones, Sacred Bones
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 31/05/2024

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Bones have many stories to tell, so many that it would be impossible to tell them all. The Path of the Bones belongs to no one and everyone. The Path of the Bones only understands bones. Beneath the skin, beyond physical, linguistic or cultural barriers, you and I are made of the same essence and held by the same skeleton. In a world full of barriers, in which we have to jump to relate to one another, bones speak a universal language that connect us. Bones, together with the elements of nature, are the basis of the spirituality of humanity. The cult of bones and the cult of the ancestors are very old, dating back to prehistoric times. The first rituals were born near the dead. Bones are not something out of the ordinary, yet there are still people who fear them. Bones are magical. Bones leave a trail that we can follow - it is up to us to follow that path of bones to the entrails of our own history.

Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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