Scents of the Kingdom

Scents of the Kingdom

by Chris Knight
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 12/01/2018

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Jack McClusky , was your average man in the street. A happily married, hotel worker.He looked forward to seeing his wife,Brenda, upon her return home from work, at the end of each day. Little did he know, but one day, all that was about to change.When on a wet Friday night, He received a call from the local Police, that no husband expects, and always thinks, will happen to the other guy...

It all began, with the words, (Mr McClusky) "I'm afraid,I've some bad news for you..."

That conversation, would change Jack's life forever,and turn him completely upside down..Caught totally off guard, and ill-prepared, he was going to have to endure, the most traumatic,and life changing days,of his existence...

Religious & spiritual fiction
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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Chris Knight

Chris Knight is a New York-based portrait photographer and educator. He combines his unconditional love of art history with his conditional love of technology, all with a flare for the cinematic and an uncompromising eye for detail.

His work has appeared in Vogue, People, MSNBC, ABC, Ocean Drive, GQ, and other outlets. Chris is also an instructor at Pratt Institute and the New York Film Academy.

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