Robert Frost, an American poet, compiled his poems in Selected Poems (1923). Selected Poems is a wonderful list of poems from Frost's early collections, including A Boy's Will and North of Boston. It is dedicated to Edward Thomas, a friend of Frost's and a significant English poet who passed away toward the end of the First World War. Robert Frost is one of the most well-known poets in America, a voice to which generations of readers have turned in search of beauty, music, and life. He is renowned for his straightforward language and dedication to the images and rhythms of rural New England.Through the lens of rural labor, "Mowing" imagines the poet's work. The only sound that occasionally came from the woods was my long scythe whispering to the ground. What did it whisper? The speaker is unaware but carries on with his task while being hypnotized by the music's rhythm.As fall gives way to winter, the poet recalls in "After Apple-Picking" how, while ascending the ladder into the center of the tree, "Magnified apples appear and disappear, / Stem end and blossom end."Perhaps Robert Frost's most well-known poem, "The Road Not Taken," depicts a traveler in an autumnal landscape who isn't sure which way to go but is certain he must move forward.

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