It starts with an Aleph...
…Thus shall exist the boy in himself,
and shall this motive suffice to satiate his sum…
So unfolds the sacred Soliloquy,
the Forefront of epic Vantage…
His ink spatter'd Quell bewails
its timeless Incontinence,
almost pumps the Purpose
from its own blackened Nib
to avoid pinning one Paragraph,
for its sooty Tip resting frozen Pigment
proves itself too acute
to penetrate the harlequin Parchment
only a Soul can tangiate;
too blunt to define
the angstrom Edges
of the child's holy Monad,
not so cursive
as to capture the all-one-seething-Noise
by its Contours
on conscience's Cartography;
Alas! Colossus unto himself
tediously dissolved into Phonetics,
whipped to Charms by ascending ox Goads
stored to Smolders by Phylacteries of four-prong'd Fire
'til he reminisces naked over his Destruction,
only to be teleported Sublime to Entities unfathomable…
inhabit a remote Cortex reassembled…
...and ends with Chaos in a Gunshot!
A maiden work of linguistic exploration, mythological manipulation, and an attempt to kick off a Legacy...
Serayite, or the Curious Frottage 'twixt the Langue and the Parole
by Ghazy Loon
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