Seven Novels of Murder and Madness contains the following full-length novels: The Trial of Shada King, The Book of Dreams, The Blackwater Journal, The Dark Side of the Moon, The Voice of the Victim, Destroyed by Malice, and The Murder of Marabeth Waters. In the space allowed, I will give brief descriptions of these novels.
In the Trial of Shada King, a woman is accused of murdering the man who raped her. Shada claims that she acted in self-defense, and since she was wearing a wire that recorded the shooting, her claim seems to be valid. But upon further investigation, the prosecuting attorney comes to the conclusion that the shooting was staged and that the audiotape is an elaborate hoax.
The Book of Dreams: Detective Shane Manning has a troubling history when it comes to his dreams because many of them are nightmares that often seem to find their way into reality. This was especially true when he was younger--the dream he had back then was something that would haunt him for years. And now, fifteen years later, he's investigating the murder of a college student, but he still can't seem to get away from his dreams, which are leading him down a deadly path.
The Blackwater Journal: Sixteen-year-old Alanda Streets is trapped in a room from which there is no escape. There are padlocks on the door, the windows have been boarded up, and Alanda's only contact with humanity is her father, the man who has imprisoned her and told her that she must die because of the terrible secret she discovered in his past. Is there any way out of her terrifying predicament? Or is her life about to come to an end?
The Dark Side of the Moon: Carolyn Black, a high school teacher, is attracted to Kevin Snyder, a student in one of her classes. Kevin doesn't realize that Carolyn is attracted to him, but everything changes after they make love in the back seat of Carolyn's car. Two weeks later, Carolyn discovers that Kevin is involved in drugs, but when she tells him that she is ending their relationship, he threatens to commit suicide. That night, Carolyn changes her mind about Kevin and desperately searches for him before he has a chance to harm himself. When she finally finds him in his car behind an abandoned house, he is holding a gun to his head. And then…
The Voice of the Victim: Not only is this a clever murder mystery, but it also doubles as a satirical tour through the modern world of guns, murder, and mayhem…a mixture of slapstick comedy, dark premonitions, and a sweeping indictment of everything that Western culture has ever produced…sassy and extremely irreverent…sometimes romantic and poetic, sometimes mocking and belligerent…too bizarre for some, too intense for others...this is the most controversial book that you will ever read.
In Destroyed by Malice, the world's most famous novelist, Barker Drule, is gunned down by an unknown assailant. It isn't long before detective Jeff Willard is convinced that the murderer is a member of the Drule family. Perhaps it's Lenore who was raped by her father; perhaps it's the beautiful Raylene who wrote a novel about a rape victim that her father managed to suppress; or perhaps it's Ricky, the cocaine-addicted son who is desperate to get his hands on his father's money. Unfortunately, when the truth finally comes out, there will be very few left to tell the tale.
The Murder of Marabeth Waters is a dark and satirical mystery that features Devin Driver, a drunken detective who is lucky enough to stumble into the solution of the murder of a prostitute. But after the perpetrator of the crime is arrested and convicted, certain flaws begin to appear in the investigation. Of course, when the detective in charge of the investigation is drunk most of the time, a lot of strange things can happen.
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