Sex is just a State of Mind- Not a Girl Today! is my first book in the LGBTQ series. It talks about my journey as a gender fluid person. The signs, doubts, struggles, understanding and clarity are laid out in the open so that someone struggling with mixed emotions stemming from their gender identity issues can benefit from realizing that they are not alone. While I know that publishing this book would result in merciless persecution by many strangers, I want to assure you that I will not back down- I will speak about my journey. My love and heartfelt thanks to the LGBTQ community and Heterosexual community for their support.
- 9798223675518
- 9798223675518
- Gay & Lesbian studies
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Cee Cee
Available for download after 19/03/2025
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