Shadows in a Chinese Landscape

Shadows in a Chinese Landscape

by David Keenan and Chi Yun
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 05/12/2016

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In this major undertaking David Keenan translates and contextualizes over 100 tales from the Notes from the Hut for Examining the Subtle, a collection of 1,200 tales and observations by Chi Yun, one of eighteenth century China's leading intellectuals. By illuminating neglected aspects of the interaction between popular and elite cultures in late imperial China, this study portrays the rich connection between life and letters on the eve of the Western impact.

Literature: history & criticism
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Taylor & Francis
David Keenan

David Keenan was born in Glasgow and grew up in Airdrie, in the west of Scotland, in the late-70s and early-1980s. He is the author three novels, the cult classic This Is Memorial Device, which won the Collyer Bristow/London Magazine Award for Debut Fiction 2018 and was shortlisted for the Gordon Burn Prize, For The Good Times, which won the Gordon Burn Prize in 2019, and Xstabeth. He is also the author of England's Hidden Reverse, a history of the UK's post-punk/Industrial underground, as well as To Run Wild In It, an experimental novella, and the co-designer, alongside Sophy Hollington, of his own tarot pack, the Autonomic Tarot.

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