Develop knowledge of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night through detailed notes and glossaries which reinforce the text and fully prepare students for the CSEC English B examination.
- Build a contextual understanding of the play and era through a range of carefully selected modern English translations
- Check comprehension with end of chapter guided reading questions and 'Think About It' activities that also demonstrate plot development
- Strengthen analysis skills with detailed study notes on characters, themes and stylistic devices running throughout
- Improve and practise essay-writing skills using a toolkit of CSEC-style questions and a sample essay.
- Consolidate learning and exam preparation with detailed and rigorous study notes.
- 9781398376052
- 9781398376052
- Educational: English literature
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Hachette Learning
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