This book is very useful for all competitive examinations. Quantitative aptitude shows one's ability to comprehend and solve problems. As the tests are time bound, they also test the logical thinking of the candidates and their ability to reason and make effective decisions quickly under pressure. Reasoning is one ability that is unique to human beings.
In this section, you can find numerous aptitude questions with answers and explanation. The quantitative aptitude questions with answers mentioned above covers various categories and extremely helpful for competitive exams. All the answers are explained in detail with very detailed answer descriptions. The quantitative aptitude questions mentioned above also contain aptitude questions asked for various placement exams and competitive exams. These will help students who are preparing for any type of competitive examinations.
Quantities aptitude questions given here are extremely useful for all kind of competitive exams like Common Aptitude Test (CAT),MAT, GMAT, IBPS Exam, CSAT, CLAT , Bank Competitive Exams, ICET, UPSC Competitive Exams, CLAT, SSC Competitive Exams, SNAP Test, KPSC, XAT, GRE, Defense Competitive Exams, L.I.C/ G. I.C Competitive Exams , Railway Competitive Exam, TNPSC, University Grants Commission (UGC), Career Aptitude Test (IT Companies) and etc., Government Exams etc.
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