(Vocal Collection). 37 songs, including: Bewitched * Children Will Listen * He Plays the Violin * He Was Too Good to Me * Home * I Could Be Happy with You * I Have Dreamed * I like Him * I Wonder What Became of Me * It's a Most Unusual Day * A Lovely Night * On the Steps of the Palace * One Boy (Girl) * The Song Is You * Speak Low * We Kiss in a Shadow * Why Do I Love You? * Why Was I Born? * and more. There are no song duplications from any of the previous volumes. All songs are written in the original keys, in authentic voice with piano accompaniment. Also includes a Foreword, and an extensive section of show facts and plot notes about the shows.
- 9781480318960
- 9781480318960
- Techniques of music / music tutorials
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Hal Leonard
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