Inspired by real-life events, SLIDER, The Leo Butterburger Story is a poignant and touching fairy-tale about a warm hearted character born in the mid 1950’s in the village of Mariemont, Ohio not far from Cincinnati. His real name was Leopold Knight. He was soft spoken and a little plump. The bullies called him “Butterburger.” Leo had a passion for sports but no athletic ability. He was the kid nobody ever wanted on their team, so he created his own games. One called SLIDER changed his life and the lives of everyone who knew him. A loveable underdog, Leo is given a chance to be everyone’s hero, a once in a lifetime opportunity. Along the way he makes the ultimate sacrifice, one that reminds us that on earth, we are all angels with one wing, able to fly only when we embrace each other.
- 9780463034040
- 9780463034040
- Category:
- Contemporary fiction
- Publication Date:
- 01-07-2019
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Michael Shaw
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