Smooth Muscle Diseases, A Simple Guide To The Condition, Diagnosis, Treatment And Related Conditions

Smooth Muscle Diseases, A Simple Guide To The Condition, Diagnosis, Treatment And Related Conditions

by Kenneth Kee
Publication Date: 25/02/2019

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This book describes Smooth Muscle Diseases, Diagnosis and Treatment and Related Diseases

Learning muscle contraction can be quite a beast

Complex and detailed, to say the least

But with this poem, you are sure to learn

How the muscles work, why at times they burn

Intimidating, I know, but it is not to worry

Just keep on reading and you’ll learn in a hurry

All is launched by an Action Potential

Traveling in a neuron to a voltage gated channel

This tells the Calcium to move on in

And trigger the ACH that it’s ready to begin

ACH crosses the cleft to enter the cell

And calls up the Sodium to come in as well

This changes the charge inside the fiber

The charge is a key and the muscle the driver

If threshold is reached, Action Potential is sent

It moves down the membrane, straight and not bent

T-tubules are next in the APs passage

And our hero calcium is back to send quite a message

Calcium is a bouncer bumping troponin from the club

Typtomysoin is troponin’s friend, also dubbed a scrub

They are taken off actin so myosin can bind

And begin the cross bridge cycling all in a line

This is what causes the muscle contraction

The heads moving quickly in concerted action

But this cycle cannot continue forever

The muscle must relax or enter rigor

So to keep you from becoming a stiff

ATP comes along like a Christmas gift

The perfect amount to release myosin heads

And let them return home to rest in their beds

Now what I just detailed is only one type of muscle

We have 3 different kinds all helping us hustle

Skeletal, smooth, and cardiac are the 3. Each make us move

They keep our hearts beating and let our legs groove

Cardiac and smooth function differently then described

They have unique physiologies by which they abide

Smooth muscles does not use troponin to go

Cardiac muscles do, but their rate of potential is slow

This happens because their calcium channels are left open

To keep the heart contracting and the muscles not frozen

Smooth and Cardiac muscle cells both have gap junctions

To call each other on the phone and invite friends to functions

One says, “hey lets move. There’s a burrito coming down.”

And the others join in immediately to churn the lunch around

There are many more details and information to describe

But this poem is enough to understand how muscles work inside

By Anna Taylor

This is one of the best poems to learn about muscles

Smooth muscle is non-striated, uni-nucleate, and under involuntary control regulated by the autonomic nervous system.

Smooth muscles are muscle tissue present in the walls of hollow organs

Smooth muscles, which can not be voluntarily regulated, normally happen in sheets or layers, one layer of muscle behind another and function all over the body

In the digestive system the smooth muscles contract and relax moving food through the body

Smooth muscles are also present in the bladder.

When relaxed, the opening in the bladder is shut which permits urine to stay in the bladder.

When a person passes urine, they contract pushing urine out of the bladder.

Smooth muscles in a woman's uterus, where a baby develops, push the baby out when it is time for delivery.

Smooth muscles are even present in the irises of the eyes to keep the eyes focused and regulate the quantity of light that enters the eye.

The cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and respiratory systems are made mostly of hollow organs the walls of which are made of smooth muscles.

Diseases of smooth muscles are:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Intestinal Motility disorder






Bladder Incontinence



Chapter 1 Smooth Muscle

Chapter 2 Diseases of Smooth Muscles

Chapter 3 Gastroparesis

Chapter 4 Intestinal Motility Disorder

Chapter 5 Bronchiolitis

Chapter 6 Bronchioectasis

Chapter 7 Atherosclerosis

Chapter 8 Urinary Incontinence


Orthopaedics & fractures
Publication Date:
Kenneth Kee

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